• Jalan-jalan bertemu adik Kelas X-3 SMAN 3 Bandung (jaman dulu ^o^)

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Hello, Blogger :)
    well, we meet again in this afternoon wooow, exactly today i've done something great, that's Jalan Sehat Teknik Fisika 2012 by 2011 Generation, but in this time i wouldnt explain to you how our Jalan sehat activity just now :D. But about my past...

    yeah, unfortunately i don't know why.. exactly on 10 may 2012 until 12 may 2012, i always thinking about my past... whether it's about my activity everyweek, my routine everyday, and friends...
    then i think a lot,,, how to over this 'galau' ... this weird feeling.. so i open my facebook account...

    and i open my album, and find.. are there any photo or something that can heal me... or remind me something... because i never know, if i've this feeling maybe i must to do something.. or given guidance by god to over something... then i find a few photo's that remind me about my activity three years ago...
    that's is visiting the junior class of X-3 in SMAN 3 Bandung...

    here is a few Photos :),
     Yeah, on the left side to right side, there is me :), Muhammad Sandy, Riza Octa, and Gede Agung Putra
    and there are a lot of my friend :D

    well exactly, they are my friend from X-3 at SMAN 3 Bandung, i hope they will have a success career and success life cause they are very unique and very kind,..
    upthere one of them is accompany me to Surabaya now, to ITS surabaya (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) his name is Riza Octa from Cilegon, and go to get Industrial Engineering here..

    and exactly my act to reduce my galauness is almost success because several reasons i complaining is,, i miss my past.. and i feel loss i didn't used it very well.. but, from book that i've found several days ago, whatever you get whatever you think you've done something wrong and you regret it...
    We must Grateful.. to thanks Allah has give us a good factor to learn..

    "Memory Is A Way of Holding Onto The Things You Love. The Things You Are. The Things You Never Want To Lose.."

    See Youu.. :) Have a Great Health and give the best smile for all you friend...

    Regards, Andika Dwiparana SN


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